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Together in Sport – Phase II: May – June 2024

A visit to the… “Centre of the Earth”

In a 19th century farm, at the Center for Environmental Education “Center of the Earth”, teachers, students of the Intercultural High School of Athens, participated in a hands-on workshop on sustainable development. The children were informed about biodiversity, sustainable food, and about a healthy, ‘circular’ lifestyle. They were excited with the bird observatory and the horses of the farm, and they all enjoyed the salad they made together, with fresh vegetables from the farm.

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Goals in the centre of Athens!

On the occasion of the Conference League final, a mini football pitch was set up by UEFA in Kotzia Square where the new Together in Sport – Phase II team participated in friendly matches with other refugee teams and teams of local community.

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Dance workshop for children

Dance is both a creative expression and a rhythmic art form. In collaboration with dance teacher Polena Kolia Petersen, the performing arts theater PLYFA hosted a workshop designed for children to express themselves through movement and the unique creativity that dance offers. During the workshop, the children showcased their talents and various skills. Dance proved to be an ideal medium for them, to learn to listen to and trust their bodies, serving as a bridge between their inner and outer worlds.

Together in Sport – Phase II goes to the Summer Sport Camp

This summer, Together in Sport – Phase II is present at the Summer Sport Camps of the Municipality of Kallithea. Through theatrical games performed by its certified actors-educators, children learn to understand society and to communicate through their bodies, explore their inner voice, and at the same time discover the importance of creativity and imagination.

Unlocking the secrets of cricket

The Municipal Sports & Recreation Park of Kallithea welcomed Together in Sport – Phase II, which featured an engaging presentation on cricket, a sport to be included in the Olympics starting in 2028. In collaboration with the Kallithea Cricket Association, children and young adults were introduced to the basic skills of the sport and took part in match demonstrations. Regular training sessions have also begun, offering children interested in the sport an opportunity to become more acquainted, as cricket is just beginning to gain popularity in our country.

Together in Sport – Together in Taekwondo

A sport event unlike any other took place during the Refugee Week Festival. The Panathenaic Stadium welcomed the great event “Together in Sport – Together in Taekwondo” hosting 400 children and young refugees, as well as their peer athletes from local communities.

Read more here about this event that demonstrated in a unique way that sport unites people without any discrimination!

Music and sports at Refugee Week

In honor of World Refugee Day, celebrated on June 20, Together in Sport – Phase II took part in the Community Celebration organized by the Refugee Week Greece Festival, featuring music and sports events. In collaboration with the group “Revma – A Moving Creative Society” children and young adults enjoyed a special percussion workshop where they experimented with drum sounds and rhythms. Additionally, they participated in boxing demonstrations under the guidance of distinguished coaches and athletes.

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Saying goodbye to school

METAdrasi’s educational center in Athens held a special end-of-school-year celebration with a variety of activities for all the children saying goodbye to school for the summer! In cooperation with the educator and artist Dora Kourtesa, Together in Sport – Phase II gave the younger children the opportunity to experiment creatively with basic ceramics and painting techniques, in the wonderful space of the Myrtillo Café.

Regular trainings and music lessons continue

During May and June, our regular volleyball, Taekwondo, and football training sessions continued, along with violin lessons, all enjoying great participation from the children.

“Together in Sport-Phase II” is implemented by METAdrasi (project coordinator), the Hellenic Olympic Committee and the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), co-funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees of Germany (BAMF) and the European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (TAME – AMIF). The activity is carried out in cooperation with municipalities in different regions of Greece.

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