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When you give love, you receive love

METAdrasi’s foster care programme for unaccompanied and separated children:

Two small unaccompanied children from Syria, hosted since May in a mixed family (parents from Greece and an Arabic-speaking country) in Attica, prepared a surprise!

To thank Kiki, METAdrasi’s social worker, during one of her visits, each of them made a card. With these cards, either in Arabic or in broken Greek – translated with the help of the internet – they thank Kiki, the family that offered them hosptality, as well as Greece, for the love and care they have offered them.

The Arabic text says:
“To my friend Kiki, you are an amazing person, thank you so much for taking care of us… In this amazing family will not forget this care. And now, I thank Greece for the efforts and I thank the greek family and you.”

Sharing is caring