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Provision of interpretation, protection and educational services to refugees and asylum seekers in Greece

“Provision of interpretation, protection and educational services to refugees and asylum seekers in Greece” by METAdrasi, with the support of European Commission’s Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations department – (ECHO).
Since March 2018, three activities have been supported substantially:

Interpretation in Healthcare
Provision of interpretation with presence on a regular basis, covering emergency cases through interpreters’ presence or through phone. Since the beginning of the programme, 9,389 individuals have benefited in 33 hospitals.

Educational activity “Step2School”
Provision of remedial education to 762 children in Athens and preparation of their integration into formal education. 80% of these students have already subscribed to school. Additionally, for the facilitation of communication among educators, students and parents, METAdrasi’s interpreters have conducted 153 interpretation sessions, upon request.

Investigation and Certification of Victims of Torture
114 individuals have been certified in Athens since the beginning of the programme, in March 2018, by METAdrasi’s interdisciplinary team of experts and have been referred to specialized entities for further support.

Warm thanks for the support and recognition of our work, we keep on!

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