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Metadrasi - METAdrasi MAZI KALAMATA 5

Young refugees from 18+ activity at “Together” festival in Kalamata

Metadrasi - METAdrasi MAZI KALAMATA 5

Young refugees from METAdrasi’s 18+ activity, engaged in the youth-student festival “Together!” in Kalamata, celebrating human rights and diversity.

Being an initiative of local schools and institutions and in cooperation with the program ” What if it were you?” that focuses on raising awareness on inclusion and multiculturalism, the festival brought together the young refugees with their peers from the local community. Through artistic interventions and experiential activities and by creating a symbolic, yet meaningful link between the participating youth, the festival facilitated a better understanding of the uniqueness of each country, while every child drew their own trace on the world map.

The programme “What if it were you?” is implemented by the Panhellenic Network for Theatre in Education in collaboration with UNHCR.

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